Tuesday 27 October 2009

Pitcairn : The secret of Sexual Crimes

Beneath the stunning natural beauty, the island in the South Pacific turned out to keep a terrible secret : sexual violence against girls for generations. Pitcairn is included in the British colony, although the practical English to let the island operate alone. The governor of Pitcairn occasional visit, but the island has a system of self-government even police officers and court officials. Only in 1997, for the first time, a British police officer assigned to the Pitcairn. Gail Cox, community police, was sent for training. When she returned there in 1999, things have changed. Until finally, some teenagers had told Cox that they had been raped. Cox, who only had handled cases of traffic violations was destroyed by a dark secret that she found. Apparently, sexual violence against girls has become endemic in the island which includes British territory. Almost no girls who escape from sexual violence, and nearly every man alleged to be perpetrators. Almost five years have passed since the investigation began, September 2004 , twenty-nine people from outside the island arrived at Pitcairn for criminal cases in which perhaps the strangest British criminal history. They consist of legal officials, diplomats, police officers and journalists. The men with serious criminal records are no longer able to live and travel outside the island. On the island British Government has developed infrastructure and communications, but apparently, there mindset still has not changed.

How can small communities in remote areas that could change the negative? Sexual violence seems to grow in small places are isolated, and Pitcairn had all the requirements:
1. Region is very small.
2. Very remote.
3. What makes it effective, closed community.
4. There was no officers from outside, so the local residents make their own rules.

( Reader Digest Indonesia, in October 2009 ).

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